Since how many time are you working on this army?
I have been working on my Eldar for about 6 years now. It started out as a 1900 point army for a Warhammer 40k Campaign weekend run by GW and "Darkstars", the GCN Weekend event organisers. It then became an obsession which has grown ever since.
The original 1900 list was comprised of 2 parts
A 400 point combat patrol and a 1500 main army that combined to make a single 1900 list.
It was something like
10 Avengers in WaveSerpent
Warwalker with Bright Lances
Farseer, Guide, Doom, Spirit Stones
10 Striking Scorpions
5 Wraithguard
10 Dire Avengers in Waveserpent
5 Pathfinder Rangers
6 Fire Dragons
3 Warwalkers with Scatter Lasers
Must admit, its been a while since that list was created so memory may be a little hazy. It by no means is a competetive "meta" list.
My normal gaming army is 2000 points and varies from week to week depending on my mood. It always contains 20 Dire Avengers and a Farseer. Then it could vary from being all Mechanised to all on foot with lots of Wraith constructs.
Since how many time are you in the hobby?
Over 20 years I would say on and off. I started with Blood Bowl about 25 years ago, took a break through senior school and university and came back to it 15 years ago.
Why this army and not an other?
Like all GW fanatics, this is not my only army. I also own a 4000 point painted Space Wolf Army (actually its my second one), 5000 points of Blood Angels which is growing rapidly, and plenty of Chaos and other bits too. However this was the one that I deciced to take "Apocalyptic" because the Forgeworld model range is just too amazing to ignore!
What's yours future projects?
I have plenty on the go nearly all the time and paint pretty much 50 weeks of the year. I still have about 10,000 more points to add to the Eldar (sitting at 12,000 painted right now) including a Vampire Hunter and a Waithseer. I also have about 3000 more points of BA to do and some Thunderwolf Cav for the SW.
I also just picked up Dreadfleet, and some new Tomb Kings stuff! Busy...
Would be it possible to have a photo of the entire army?
It is very difficult to take a picture of 12,000 points of models. There are some pictures on Warseer but not a huge group shot. In 2 weekends time I'll be using 7500 of my army in a game, so i'll be taking pictures then and will add to my Warseer gallery. Feel free to come back and check them out!
And other commentary if you wants ?
Ummm, not that I can think of really! I got married to the love of my life this year?! I like going on holiday to hot countries :)
How many times you paint?
I paint for about 2 hours a day 3 days a week, and a bit longer at weekends depending if my wife permits it.
I am the founder of a website called the Space Wolf Community. Its been around for over a decade since the decline of the official Games Workshop
Although titled the SWC, it does cater for all GW and non GW gaming, so feel free to pop in and say hello.
To part say that this army to eldar of Iyanden is magnificent, it would be necessary it's a pity not to speak about the freshest project of Haywiregrenade which does not miss size and what it would it's pity be of don't speak about it in this blog Apocalypse.
You can find more info about it's great project at this link :
So thanks to Haywiregrenade to this interview!
apocalypticaly yours!
Haywiregrenade and anselme.
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