mardi 20 septembre 2011

Interview # 1 Abraham Danglebreech' Battle Board

Hi all, here is the first interview which I hope for it will be the first one of a long series.
Abraham Danglebreech delivers us his secrets on the table building.
He possesses at present an army of strange marine and an army of ork which will make probably the appearance on the next interview because the originality and the execution of the painting are really nice.

Q : "what's material do you use to make it?"

A : a Realm of Battle (obviously :D
). The texture was made by first using "golden pea gravel" for the larger rocks (mine came from a garden centre) which I stuck down with Araldite. I then used a sieve to scatter a layer of builders sand (from work) over the bulk of it with PVA glue. The grass is a mix of Citadel Dead Grass stuck down in patches with PVA, and the same again but stuck down in clumps using a blob of Citadel Plastic Glue. The tussock grass is Army Painter Highland Tuft and Winter Tuft.


Q : "what the approximative final price?"

A : I wouldn't like to say!
I managed to get the Realm of Battle for a pretty decent price at Wayland Games. The PVA, sand and gravel I had already. I probably got through two pots of Plastic glue and one lot of Araldite. I used one tub of Dead Grass and about 5 or 6 packs of Army Painter Tuft. Oh yes, and lots of paint.

Q : "How many time to make it?"

A : Pretty much three weekends and all the evenings in between (actually, it may have been more like 4 weekends, can't quite remember)

Q : "What was your choice of ground and why this choice?"

A : I wanted to make the board for both fantasy and Sci Fi, so I couldn't add much to it that was specific to a particular genre.
I have been basing my Orks, Marines and Fantasy stuff with a moorland theme and so the board started out as being inspired by the landscape about me (moorland with rocks). However, the bulk of the work on the board went on during the riots over here in the UK, and that may have had some influence on the finished look. (I reckon they look like large pieces of burnt toast!)

Q : "What's yours future projects?"

A : At the moment I am trying to get the Marines from Assault on Black Reach painted in time for a game next month.
A few of us are giving it a go (I am the only one with any experience having played it all of once!). I also have a Beast of Nurgle conversion to finish. After that I'll probably go back to painting my Orks for a while and get some terrain pieces done for the board. I have an ongoing project which I dip in and out of where I am converting every mutant that appears in "The Enemy Within Campaign" for Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 1st edition. It's taking A G E S !


I will have some pictures of  table soon.
I thank still personally Abraham for the time which he dedicated me.

Apocalypticaly your

Anselme and Abraham

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