The project return on Armageddon is a personal project aiming at playing apocalypse, on a world always at war. You will see all armies there whether it is orks, space marines, and imperial guard.
On this project paint will be made by 2 peoples, orks will be painted by Sigur, Space marines (Sigur and me according to chapters) and finally the imperial guard by myself.
On this project paint will be made by 2 peoples, orks will be painted by Sigur, Space marines (Sigur and me according to chapters) and finally the imperial guard by myself.
what will be the first armies?
The first armies to be treated will be the ork evil sunz clan, the death korps of krieg / and the chapter of salamanders. Let be neighborhood 6000pts of every forces. Orks is already good advanced, the death korps is just start and raptor will come at the end of this first part of project.
It is already about a vast first part.
In parallel or later is planned, a wintry table with numerous types of terrains, the other space marines chapters (space wolves, raptors,, celestial lions, exorcits, blood angels), other imperial guard armies (steel legion, orks hunter, elysian, cadian) and orks ^^ with orther clans (goff, Blood axe, deathskulls).
Actually only orks army lists are all finished and I hope a speed Armageddon part 2.
Legio titanicus and sister of battle will also be included in the project.
The characters of armageddon will be obviously there, and many apocalypse formation and unity thread will be analyzed, every time I hope with my miniatures.
Not to remain confined to Armageddon, I am going to try to treat apocalypse units of the other armies.
Just for the end a little preview of first ork wave
Apocalypticaly yours!
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