mercredi 12 octobre 2011

Campaign of Lacomssa # 2 Act 1 The meeting

The emptiness of space... Antouan Desmautret knew well that the space had space only the name, otherwise why it would be obliged to live here in the Battle bunker 77 to scrutinize relentlessly the sky day and night. Finally, let us say rather that the automated instruments scrutinized the sky, he was simply in charge of the maintenance, and all in all he was not really hurry that senseurs detects something. Moreover the regular green blinking of the light of control had a side rather reassuring. This simplified system allowed to summarize all the results of scan of the station in a simple color, understandable by spirits so narrow as that of Antouan Desmautret.
While he was again satisfied to have picked up a pleasant work on the agricultural world of Lacomssa, the small light began to turn to the red.
In fact, it was rather the whole room which filled with red... Room which became in the course of more and more dark and red seconds. After a few moments which were for him his last eternity, he understood that it was not the light, nor even the room that had changed color, but that his own blood gave this tint has what was, the last vision of its life...

The mission

500pts, table : 120x120.

It is a mission in patrol size, without respecting of particular plan of army. The idea is here to represent the strength of FireFly coming to inspect Battle Bunker 77 and to try to discover what takes place. The objective for them is simple. Arrive at the contact of the batiment, investigate it and survive in the tyranids suprise attack.
The Winner in this battle will be determinated in Kill Points, and he will receive a Strategic card for the Act 5 and the battle of Apocalypse.
Of more every player can indicate one of his surviving unit and make it win a veteran competence for the continuation of the campaign. The skills are page 263 of rule book.

Army list

For this mission, I especially wanted to select my army according to what seemed to me logical to find at the first hours of an invasion Tyranide, namely Lictors and Genestealers.
To stress the highly-rated " predator which take out all the highly-rated ", I opted for Ymgarl's Genestealer squads, because of their hidden deployment. I said to myself that ca would be nice to make appears Tyranides of every hidden recess of the table. I wanted that Firefly comes there to distrust every shadow, every copse or still the slightest a little bit bizarre pebble.
As it was necessary to represent the activity of Battle Bunker 77 by Tyranides, I have select an unity of 3 ripper swarm. I would have spread well Gaunts, but as I still have no it in my army and as I found the warriors too much evolved for this mission, the choice of the ripper swarm seemed to me the most sensible.

3 ripper swarm
3 units of Ymgarl's Genestealer
2 lictors

To go to investigate into the mysteries of a front isolated post, I needed fast units, capable of taking care of every type of threat. As it is a recon mission, scouts were compulsory. And for the speed and a good punch, in good successor of the BA, assault squads were what I needed.
Thanks to their reactors, assault squads would quickly be in Battle Bunker 77, and would be rather resistant to take the enemy loads. Set back scouts would assure one against responsibility and bolts would riddle unconscious.

2x5 scouts
2x5 assault squad


Hiigara (tyranids):
I like when a plan takes place without tear, or should I say with FANGS!
I really had no plan in fact, if it is not to distribute Ymgarl to 4 ( 3 ), corners of her bank.
Of the blow they showed themselves redoubtable and allowed me to come easily at the end of both assault squad. I believe that they deserved well their veteran skill. I was nevertheless a little disappointed to obtain only " without fear ", I would have seen well an insensible young in the pain well, let us not be too greedy, although it is not doubtless a defect for a tyranids player.

Jeronimo (space marines)
Well that did not take place really as expected, the genestealers of Ymgarl is really horrible. My squads are summits cut the some following the others.
I would have maybe of to stay more in group and charged every units of tyranids with all mine, because by unity of 5 against the initiative 6, the retort was too light.
I will take revenge …

Firefly chpater hardly off-loaded by their modules of landings, took a stand on the ground. Behind foliage they could perceive Battle Bunker 77. No signal resulted from this one, no more than some sign of life.
Moving with caution, they discovered with bewilderment of the bodies Xenos. Tyranids, these devourers of world. Before these track down them, the assault squads intoned the song of reactors and threat he remained nothing. Hardly the last disgusting body was cut by a holy sword chain saw, auspex are mirrored to emit fervent BLIP BLIP.
On all sides tyranids went out of their hiding places, in accord, as guided by an only thought. At the speed of the flash of lighting, xenos coordinated their actions to commit Space marine. Listening to only their courage Firefly fought as tigers, but the excess of the enemies, coupled with their incredible speed, made that the reconnaissance patrol was eradicated. No one of proud Space marine would be capable of relieving directly the terrible piece of news: Tyranides is there!

apocalypticaly yours

Hiigara, Jeronimo, Anselme

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